Horizontal Directional Drilling
Welcome at x-plan schnau engineering, your experienced consulting and engineering expert regarding Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and related trenchless pipelaying technologies.
About us
trenchless technologies = underground pipeline construction
horizontal directional drilling = one of the trenchless technologies
x-plan = an engineering office being experienced in this
20 years of experience in execution of horizontal directional drilling projects, including pipeline and civil engineering, from mini to mega rigs, on- and offshore, national and international. Whether basics or challenges are concerned – x-plan combines engineering knowledge and operational experiences. Consulting, engineering, project support – these are the core services x-plan offers.

Horizontal Drilling Projects - Engineering and consulting are the core services of x-plan schnau engineering - for projects or general issues related to trenchless technologies, with a special focus on the HDD technology. Professional planning minimises basic risks and gives flexibility to tackle contingencies during execution, if required. In underground construction there is nothing that does not exist. That's why no-one has seen it all, but x-plan experienced at least a lot of it. And that's what you can benefit from.

Detailed portfolio
Conceptual Design - If a trenchless crossing seems to be feasible, the required steps how to get sufficient information for draft engineering and for decision making have to be defined. x-plan helps to minimise the number of unknowns.
Evaluation of Variants - In certain circumstances different variants or different trenchless technologies are applicable and have to be evaluated under technical and economic aspects. x-plan keeps track under a variety of solutions.
Budgeting - Every construction project is related to costs. Especially the cost estimation for underground construction works is difficult, respectively is hardly possible without extensive practical experience. x-plan helps to avoid nasty surprises.
x-plan is always there or even where you need us!
If you are an energy supplier and network operator, drilling contractor, civil engineering and pipeline builder, engineering office, equipment manufacturer, service provider or freelancer in horizontal drilling technology, then you are on the right place.
Do you have any question? We have the answer.
x-tract of clients
Contact person

Contact details
T +49 (0) 4941 9236580
M +49 (0) 175 9350860
E mail@x-plan-schnau.de
I www.x-plan-schnau.de
A Baltrumstraße 16 - 26603 Aurich
x-plan-owner Marc Schnau combines following qualifications and experiences:
x Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering
x International Welding Engineer
x Safety Engineer
x Both HDD Supervisor and Site Manager Qualifications acc. DVGW GW329, Level B: Drill Rigs > 400kN thrust force
x More than 20 years experience in executive positions in HDD business, European wide
x master thesis „Work preparation in pipeline construction projects“ priced by German DVGW
x Since 2010 Board Member of DCA Europe – Drilling Contractors Association
x 2017-2019 President of DCA
x Collaborating or leading several DCA task groups
x Giving lectures at congresses, workshops, seminars
Dipl.-Ing. Fabiola Schnau
Contact details
T +49 (0) 4941 9236580
M +49 (0) 151 12114392
E mail@x-plan-schnau.de
I www.x-plan-schnau.de
A Baltrumstraße 16 - 26603 Aurich
Fabiola Schnau combines following qualifications and experiences:
x Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering
x Specialization in Construction Management
x More than 15 years of experience in construction, civil engineering, and pipeline construction, including in leadership positions
x Practical experience in project and construction management
x HDD Supervisor in accordance due to DVGW 329 Qualifications , Level A and B: Drill Rigs > 400kN thrust force
x Knowledge in earthworks and surface restoration for utility lines, construction of water pipelines - expertise GW 301, and others
x Experience in contractual execution of works according to VOB and BGB
x Specialized knowledge in business administration for engineers
x Safety and health protection coordinator (SiGeKo) according to RAB 30
x Participation in the SFI Seminar Part I (according to DVS-EWF Guideline 1173)
x Thesis "Development of an optimized procedure for the installation of large steel pipes in tunnels from a technical and economic perspective"
- x Lecturer at the Handwerkskammer für Ostfriesland (focus: contract processing processes, organization, planning, and construction law)
And if that is not enough...
… there is the possibility to bring in external expertise for specific tasks through a wide-ranging network.
Be it energy suppliers, grid owners, drilling companies, pipeline and civil contractors, engineering companies, machine manufacturers, service providers and freelancers in the HDD and pipeline industry...
...by being engaged there for many years and last but not least by the activities in the DCA there is a personal network, where the right person can be found for every specific task. It doesn't hurt to ask.